Benching Is The New Dating Trend We'll All Soon Be Practicing
In the ever-evolving world of dating, there's always a new trend or term to keep up with. From ghosting to breadcrumbing, there's no shortage of ways to describe the modern dating experience. The latest trend to hit the scene is "benching," and it's a phenomenon that's quickly gaining popularity among singles. But what exactly is benching, and why should you care? Let's take a closer look at this new dating trend and why we'll all soon be practicing it.
What Is Benching?
Benching is a term used to describe the act of keeping someone on the sidelines while you explore other potential dating options. Essentially, it's a way of stringing someone along without fully committing to them. The bencher will keep in touch with the person they're benching, but they won't make any real effort to take the relationship to the next level. They might sporadically text or call the person, but they won't make concrete plans to see them or pursue a serious relationship.
Why Is Benching Gaining Popularity?
In today's fast-paced dating world, many people are hesitant to fully commit to one person. With so many options available at our fingertips, it's easy to keep our options open and avoid putting all our eggs in one basket. Benchers often justify their behavior by claiming they're just keeping their options open or waiting for the right time to pursue a relationship with the person they're benching. In reality, benching is a way of avoiding the discomfort of confrontation and commitment.
The Rise of Digital Communication
Another factor contributing to the rise of benching is the prevalence of digital communication. With texting, social media, and dating apps, it's easier than ever to keep in touch with multiple people at once. This makes it tempting to keep someone on the back burner while exploring other potential matches. It's also easier to avoid face-to-face confrontation when you can simply send a quick text instead of having a difficult conversation.
The Impact on Those Being Benched
Being benched can be a frustrating and hurtful experience for those on the receiving end. It can leave people feeling confused, insecure, and undervalued. They may wonder why the bencher is keeping in touch with them if they're not interested in pursuing a real relationship. It can also lead to a lack of trust and communication in future relationships, as the person who was benched may be wary of investing their time and emotions in someone new.
How to Avoid Being Benched
If you're worried about being benched in your dating life, there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself. First, be clear about your expectations and boundaries from the beginning of a relationship. If you're looking for a serious commitment, communicate that to your potential partner early on. If you notice that someone is keeping you on the sidelines, have an open and honest conversation about your feelings and what you're looking for in a relationship. If the person is unwilling to commit, it may be time to move on and find someone who values and respects you.
The Future of Benching
Benching is a trend that's likely to continue gaining popularity as digital communication becomes even more prevalent in the dating world. As more people turn to dating apps and social media to meet potential partners, benching will remain a convenient way to keep someone on the back burner while exploring other options. However, as awareness of benching grows, more people will hopefully recognize the hurtful impact it can have on those being benched and strive to communicate and commit more honestly in their relationships.
In conclusion, benching is a new dating trend that's quickly gaining popularity in today's digital age. While it can be a convenient way to keep your options open, it can also be hurtful and frustrating for those on the receiving end. By being aware of the impact of benching and communicating openly and honestly in our relationships, we can work towards a more respectful and fulfilling dating experience for everyone.